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Cruising the Great Northeast (Florida) and Georgia Too

Speaker: Captain Fred Braman

Fred is a retired Navy captain and high school math teacher who has cruised extensively on the east coast, southeast US and the Bahamas in his Catalina 30. He is the author of Too Old Not to Go - Voyage of Rhombus, a Single-hander's Tale! Join us as he shares his exploits along the coast of NE Florida and Georgia.

 Location: Zoom

You can enjoy one of Fred’s articles about sailing in Grenada here. And make “sailing in Grenada here” into a link using:

Also, in July 2021, Fried was interviewed by Melissa Ross, interview with Melissa Ross, host of First Coast Connect on Wjct Radio on NPR Radio:

‘Cruising by Mailboat’

As travel slowly returns, and cruises begin to set sail, there may be a surprising - and cheaper way - to travel the islands. Author Fred Braman's new book Cruising by Mailboat; History, Culture and Adventure in the Bahama Islands  details his adventures of traveling the Caribbean by mailboat.

March 1

Journey of the Eveline

April 19

A History of Hydrofoil Sailboats